Bangladesh Deputy High Commission, Kolkata

(First Bangladesh Mission Abroad) 

   “মুজিববর্ষের কূটনীতি, প্রগতি ও সম্প্রীতি”

“Mujib Year's Diplomacy, Friendship and Prosperity”  

Universal Pension Scheme -

Bangladesh Deputy High Commission in Kolkata observed the ‘World Autism Awareness Day 2023’ on 02 April 2023

Bangladesh Deputy High Commission in Kolkata observed the ‘World Autism Awareness Day 2023’ on 02 April 2023 with its historic building lit in blue to express its solidarity with the theme of 16th World Autism Awareness Day "Transformation: Toward a Neuro-Inclusive World for All". Bangladesh is at the forefront in the global efforts to ensure social dignity and protection to the autistic people. In addition, Bangladesh is one of the global leaders in changing the existing narrative towards the autistic people and to increasingly focus on accepting, supporting and incorporating them in the mainstream by advocating for their rights and recognizing their talents. Bangladesh remains steadfast in its commitment to enable autistic people to claim their dignity and self-esteem, and to become fully integrated as valued members of their families and societies which will surely bring transformation to the wider neurodiversity community and the world at large.