Bangladesh Deputy High Commission, Kolkata

(First Bangladesh Mission Abroad) 

   “মুজিববর্ষের কূটনীতি, প্রগতি ও সম্প্রীতি”

“Mujib Year's Diplomacy, Friendship and Prosperity”  

Universal Pension Scheme -

Bangladesh Deputy High Commission in Kolkata celebrated the Bangladesh Foreign Service Day on 18 April 2023

Bangladesh Deputy High Commission in Kolkata celebrated the Bangladesh Foreign Service Day on 18 April 2023 by hoisting the National Flag and circling around the Mission Building with the National Flag. The Deputy High Commissioner proudly commemorated the extraordinary courage and sacrifice of the 62 officers and staff of the then Pakistan's Deputy High Commission in Calcutta that expressed their allegiance to the Mujibnagar government and hoisted the National Flag of Bangladesh on 18 April 1971.