Bangladesh Deputy High Commission, Kolkata

(First Bangladesh Mission Abroad) 

   “মুজিববর্ষের কূটনীতি, প্রগতি ও সম্প্রীতি”

“Mujib Year's Diplomacy, Friendship and Prosperity”  

Universal Pension Scheme -

Bangladesh Deputy High Commission in Kolkata observed the 74th birth anniversary of Heroic Freedom Fighter Shaheed Captain Sheikh Kamal on 5th August 2023.

On the occasion of the 74th birth anniversary of Heroic Freedom Fighter Shaheed Captain Sheikh Kamal, Bangladesh Deputy High Commission in Kolkata organized a program at the “Bangladesh Gallery” of the Mission premises. The program included laying floral wreath at the portrait of Sheikh Kamal, display of documentary, reading out messages from the Hon’ble President and the Hon’ble Prime Minister of Bangladesh followed by a discussion session. The Deputy High Commissioner recognized Shaheed Sheikh Kamal as one of the leading advocates of free intellectual practices. He further highlighted the instrumental role played by Shaheed Captain Sheikh Kamal in properly guiding the vast section of youth community during the post liberation period.  Mr. Gautam Bhattacharya, eminent sports journalist of India remarked that the loss of Shaheed Captain Sheikh Kamal was not only a loss for Bangladesh but a great loss for the sports and culture of the entire South Asian region. Mr. Abhijit Dasgupta, eminent journalist and former director of ‘Doordarshan Kendra Kolkata’ recounted the time he passed with Shaheed Captain Sheikh Kamal and remarked that Shaheed Sheikh Kamal was humble and down to earth and he possessed inherent leadership quality. In his remark, he expressed his inconsolable grief he suffered due to the loss of Shaheed Captain Sheikh Kamal. A special prayer was offered on this occasion.